Racket-tail, Booted
Rail, Grey-necked Wood
Raven, White-necked
Rayadito, Thorn-tailed
Redpoll, Common
A small dark finch with black streaking. Inhabits woodland (favouring birch trees), farmland and well-treed scrub.
Redpoll, Lesser
Redshank, Spotted
A Spotted Redshank is a medium-sized wader that has a rich brown plumage with pale flecks and fine brown streaks.
Redstart, American
Redstart, Black
A small very dark chat. Male has a chestnut red rump and tail. Female is a drab dark grey, brown color.
Redstart, Common
A small red-tailed chat with an unmistakable pale blue-grey forehead. Their call is a melodious “tu-eet”.
Redstart, Slate-throated
Redwing is a small, dark, short-tailed thrush. In flight, the characteristic red underwing is prominent.
Reedling, Bearded
Rhea, Darwin’s
Robin, American
Robin, European
A small, well known bird that has a sharp “tick” call. Robins are widespread and common throughout Europe and Scandinavia.
Robin, Oriental Magpie
Robin, Seychelles Magpie
Rock-thrush, Blue
Rock-Thrush, Common
Roller, European
Roller, Lilac-breasted
A Rook is a medium-large crow. Both male and female rooks have whole plumage, glossy black with iridescent sheen.
Rush-tyrant, Many-coloured
Rushbird, Wren-like