Tanager, Bay-headed
The bay-headed tanager is a common passerine bird of medium size. This tanager breeds year-round in a wide range of locations, including Costa Rica, Panama, the southern part of South America (Ecuador, Bolivia, and northwestern Brazil), and Trinidad.
Tanager, Blue-gray
Powder blue-gray bird found in open and semi-open areas with larger trees and hedges, as well as in towns, villages, and gardens throughout the tropical and subtropical climates. Typically found high in trees where it may reach ripe fruit; also a frequent visitor to telephone poles.
Tanager, Buff-bellied
This little, strange bird with an orange head can only be found in the Maraon drainage in northern Peru and far southern Ecuador. This tiny warbler-like bird is distinguished by its range-wide orange crown, grey back, buffy belly, and whitish face.
Tanager, Crimson-backed
Tanager, Dusky-faced
Tanager, Flame-faced
Tanager, Flame-rumped
Tanager, Golden-hooded
Tanager, Grass-green
Tanager, Palm
Tanager, Paradise
Tanager, Plain-coloured
Tanager, Silver-backed
Tanager, Silver-beaked
Tanager, Silver-throated
Tanager, Summer
Tanager, White-lined
Tanager, White-shouldered
Tanager, Yellow-backed
Tanager, Yellow-bellied
Tapaculo, White-throated
Tattler, Wandering
Teal, Blue-winged
Teal, Cinnamon
Teal, Eurasian
Teal, Puna
Teal, Silver
Teal, Yellow-billed
Tern, Angel
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Caspian
Tern, Common
Tern, Elegant
Tern, Forster’s
Tern, Inca
Tern, Lesser Crested
Tern, Little
Tern, Peruvian
Tern, Royal
Tern, Sandwich
Tern, South American
Thornbill, Rufous-capped
Thrush, Austral
Thrush, Chiguanco
Thrush, Clay-colored
Thrush, Dusky
Thrush, Glossy-backed
Thrush, Great
Thrush, Song
Thrush-tanager, Rosy
Tiger-Heron, Rufescent
Tinamou, Andean
Tinamou, Chilean
Tinamou, Great
Tit, Coal
Tit, Eurasian Blue
Tit, European Crested
Tit, Great
Tit, Japanese
Tit, Long-tailed
Tit, Varied
Tit, Willow
Tit-spinetail, Plain-mantled
Tit-tyrant, Black-crested
Tit-tyrant, Pied-crested
Tit-tyrant, Tufted
Titmouse, Tufted
Tityra, Masked
Toucan, Black-mandibled
Toucan, Keel-billed
Toucan, White-throated
Toucanet, Emerald
Treecreeper, Eurasian
Treecreeper, Short-toed
Treerunner, White-throated
Trogon, Black-tailed
Trogon, Blue-crowned
Trogon, Collared
Trogon, Gartered
Trogon, Masked
Trogon, Orange-bellied
Trogon, Slaty-tailed
Tropicbird, White-tailed
Trumpeter, Pale-winged
Turaco, Purple-crested
Turca, Moustached
Turnstone, Ruddy
Tyrannulet, Yellow-crowned
Tyrant, Chocolate-vented
Tyrant, Spectacled