There’s nothing more cuter than a dog. Well maybe a dog that looks like a big old cuddly bear?
If you’re looking for a dog that looks like a soft teddy bear or a wild, shaggy bear, then there are several dog breeds with thick coats and hefty bodies that resemble just that.
There are a wide variety of modern dog breeds that look like other animals. Siberian huskies can resemble wolves, while Shiba Inus resemble foxes. Then there are dogs like the ones listed in this post that are large, fluffy dog breeds that resemble everything from grizzlies to teddy bears.
Standby to fall head over heals in love with these bear-like breeds.
Maremma Sheepdog
The Maremma Sheepdog, often called the Maremma-Abruzzese, is a large dog that is known for it’s teddy bear like qualities! Excellent at protecting sheep from any prey, this pup is a true working dog who likes to feel like they have a purpose.
A rare breed, the Maremma Sheepdog only came to popularity in 2015 after the movie Oddball featured them. Ever since, people have been wondering what there is to know about this fluffy canine and whether they might make a good household pet.
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan mastiffs are huge bear like Ancient household dogs. They are enormous, strong mountain canines that were formerly used to guard and herd livestock.
The dark brown / black colred ones, particularly when they are young, resemble bears very strongly.
The Tibetan mastiff is currently one of the most sought-after canines in Asia and portions of Europe.
They are marketed for a very high price and are a popular fashion and status symbol in China. In addition to the purchase price, their size and lifestyle and grooming requirements make them expensive to maintain.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is certainly one of the more exotic dog breeds that are reminiscent of a big, cute cuddly bear. The Chow has a leonine appearance and its mouth and tongue are blue to black in color. This proud and serious-looking breed walks with a stiff-legged gait due to the lack of angulation in the rear legs.
The Chow’s small erect ears are carried well forward giving this breed a frowning expression. There are two varieties of Chows both with double coats – The Rough variety and the rarer Smooth variety. The Rough or long-haired variety Chow has a thick, long and dense outer coat that sticks out from the body, very much like a cuddly bear.
Newfoundland Dog
The Newfoundland dog breed has a gorgeous, bear-like face with enormous brown eyes. Also known as the Newfie, this giant breed of dog resembles a teddy bear! They are more teddy bear than grizzly bear when it comes to temperament.
They are gentle and loving, so don’t let their large size put you off — these pups are the perfect family dog for any household big enough to home them. Kindhearted and gentle, these dogs get along with everyone, children included.
Pomeranians are one of the most cutest dog breeds on the planet. They resemble cute bear cub in miniature form rather than a big bear.
They are one of the most popular breeds in the United States today. The Pomeranian is a loving and loyal pup that makes an excellent companion and lapdog. Thanks to their small size, good looks and affection, there’s not a lot you can’t love about this adorable breed, including their endearing bossiness!
Alaskan Malamute
The Alaskan Malamute is a strong and powerful breed of dog that closely resembles the wolf more than a bear. But as pups, they do look like cute teddy bears!
One of the oldest dog breeds out there, this pup is not designed for apartment living or lap-sitting. These dogs need an owner who knows what they are doing and someone who is willing to meet the exercise and care needs of a high-energy and independent canine.
Malamutes were bred as working dogs, just like many of the other breeds on our list, which may explain why they are so large and strong. Since they have double coats, they are a serious candidate for the title of fluffiest bear-like dogs ever!
Loyal and loving, the Akita can make a great pet for those with experience with large dogs.
With its thick hair and wide ears, it has a somewhat bear-like appearance and is the biggest Japanese spitz breed.
There are two types of Akita Dog, the American and the Japanese, and they are often mistaken for each other.
Akita puppies are extremely cute and look just like little balls of fluff! When they’re puppies these dogs are literally identical to teddy bears!
A breed that leaves a huge impression is the Gaddi Kutta. They are large, standing about 34 inches tall and weighing close to 13 stone. Their pigmentation is often uniform, with lighter tan or brown spots on their face and bottom and a dark brown or black cloak.
Their tail is incredibly fluffy and folds back over the body like many mastiffs and Indian dog breeds. The Gaddi dog also has a dense undercoat and a strong mane. This gives the breed that “bear-like” appearance that makes them so popular.
They have amber-colored eyes. Additionally, they are a more graceful and calm dog than their larger cousin thanks to their long legs and a slightly smaller physique than a Tibetan Mastiff.
Great Pyrenees Mountain dog
The Great Pyrenees is a large and strong dog that is probably the most powerful of all dog breeds. The Pyrenees or Pyr is a very handsome dog that is almost irresistible as a puppy.
As a puppy they look like a cute polar bear cub. As adults, at first glance, they can be mistaken for a polar bear due to their large physique and rich white coat.
The Pyr has a double coat with an abundant undercoat of fine hairs and a medium to long, thick and coarse outer coat with longer hair on the neck, tail, and hind legs. The Pyrenees are almost all white, with or without grey, badger grey, pale yellow or tan markings on the body.
The Eurasier is a German dog breed that was developed in the early 1970s. The goal of the breeders was to create a versatile all-purpose dog that could be used for sledding, herding, and tracking.
The Eurasier is a relatively new breed, and there is still some disagreement among experts as to its exact origins.
Even as adults, Eurasiers are lovingly referred to as “bears,” despite the fact that their bear-like looks are more obvious as puppies.
This large dog breed has a sturdy body, straight back, well muscled loins and chest, powerful neck and a long and bushy tail curled above its back.
The Samoyed, sometimes known as Sammy, is a happy dog with an exquisite white coat. When they are happy, Samoyeds’ distinctive “Samoyed smile” transforms into a grin.
Sammy puppies are really adorable and look like teddy bear cubs.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
The Caucasian shepherd, so named because of the Kavkaz (Caucasus) highlands in Eastern Europe, is so enormous that it almost resembles a little bear. They are also known as the Russian Bear Dog. These canines have a somewhat bear-like appearance due to their thick coats and powerful frame. These courageous dogs were trained to guard herds and bred to protect a flock from wolves.
These gentle giants are also very loyal and devoted, protecting their flock and keeping them calm.
Because of this, these dogs do actually make great family members, but they’re a large dog with a number of requirements that you’ll need to be able to meet!
A cheerful, friendly and easily managed dog with a great personality. Keeshonden love their families and adapt well to other pets and children. Kees are incredibly patient with children but are somewhat reserved with strangers.
They have a profuse, fairly long and harsh outer coat that stands out from the body, which gives them a teddy bear like appearance.
Leonbergers are native to Germany and were developed as regal companions suited for kings. Leonbergers were renowned for being expert cart-pullers due to their outstanding size and power.
These dogs are peaceful and serene by temperament, despite their enormous size and thick fur that gives them a bear-like look.