Camouflage is a common and effective defence or stealth mechanism. It is used by many animals to blend into their surroundings and avoid detection by predators or prey. Some animals have evolved the ability to change color, shape, or texture to match their surroundings, while … [Read more...]
Largest Animals By Type From Around The World
The animal kingdom is full of a diverse range of creatures, from tiny insects to massive mammals. Among these creatures, some hold the distinction of being the largest of their kind, often dwarfing their relatives in comparison. From the towering giraffes of Africa to the massive … [Read more...]
The Zen of Slowness: Exploring the Delightful World of the 10 Slowest Animals Of Land And Sea
When we think about the speed that animals travel, usually we think of the fastest animals. We imagine horses, or the big cats like cheetahs and leopards, or wolves. But some of the slowest animals on the planet can be equally as fascinating.Some, like the sea anemone may … [Read more...]
Clash of the Spotted Titans – Leopard Vs Jaguar
Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of These Kings of The WildTo the untrained eye, a leopard (Panthera pardus) and a Jaguar (Panthera onca) may look almost identical. They have similar patterns on their coats, and they are both of a similar size. They also both belong … [Read more...]
Hairless Guinea Pigs: The Naked Truth
Discovering the Unique Qualities & Origins Of Hairless Guinea PigsGuinea pigs are known for their cute, docile yet playful temperament, their cute little noises, but above all, their fluffy and lovable appearance. Like bunnies, hamsters and gerbils, these lovable … [Read more...]
Legendary Arachnids – 11 Of The Biggest Spiders On Earth
An Exploration Of The Biggest, Most Terrifying Spiders You'll Ever SeeDid you know, that spiders are incredibly useful, particularly around agriculture. In the UK, they are known to eat more than the weight of the entire islands human population each and every year. They … [Read more...]
Best of Both Worlds – 14 Fascinating Semi Aquatic Animals
A Closer Look At Some Of The Amazing Animals That Thrive On Land And WaterSemi Aquatic animals, are those that are able to live both on land and in water, and that spend some of their time in each. Some are able to breath in each environment, or to hold their breath for … [Read more...]
From Sunrise to Sunset – 12 Diurnal Animals And What This Means
A Closer Look At Some Of The Animals Adapted To Daytime LivingThe term diurnal is used to describe animals that are mostly active during the day. As you can imagine, there are lots of diurnal animals, including us humans. But there are many that choose to be more active at … [Read more...]
Beyond the Buck – 9 Incredible Animals With Antlers From Around The World
Getting to Know The Most Stunning Antlered Animals And How They Use Their Impressive HeadgearAntlers are a growth that occurs out of the skull of some animals, particularly members of the deer (Cervidae) family. Some animals may look like they have antlers but actually … [Read more...]
Love in the Wild – 13 Monogamous Animals That Stay Together for Life
From Penguins to Wolves, Exploring The Most Devoted Animal PartnersWhen it comes to relationships, animals can behave in many different ways. There are those that come together for breeding season only, then go their seperate ways. Some will arrange themselves in … [Read more...]