The echidna is best known for its amazing biology. Like the platypus, this unusual mammal lays eggs and suckles its young. There are four extant species of Echidna across 2 different genera, 'Tachyglossus' and 'Zaglossus'.The echidna and platypus are the only members of a … [Read more...]
Vulnerable Animals
A vulnerable species is a species of animal which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature that is threatened with extinction unless the circumstances that are threatening its survival improve.
Vulnerability is mainly caused by habitat loss or destruction of the species' home.
Vulnerable habitat or species are monitored and can become increasingly threatened.
Some species listed as "vulnerable" may be common in captivity, an example being the Siamese Fighting Fish.
There are currently 5000+ animals classified as vulnerable, compared with 1998 levels of 2815.
Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)
Betta Fish are found mainly in the southern parts of South-East Asia, and are in abundance in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. It thrives in the wild especially in reedy ponds, slow moving creeks and rivers. It also can be found in shallow waters such as stagnant ponds, rice … [Read more...]
Walruses are one of the most iconic animals of the Arctic. They are large, blubbery mammals that live in the icy waters near the North Pole. There are two species of walrus: the Pacific walrus and the Atlantic walrus. Both species are considered to be vulnerable to extinction due … [Read more...]
Harpy Eagle
The harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja), also known as the American harpy eagle or Brazilian harpy eagle, is a neotropical species of eagle, distributed throughout Central to South America. It is one of the largest extant species of eagle in the world, and the largest and most powerful … [Read more...]
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the five extant species in the genus Panthera, a member of the cat family, Felidae. Other members of the genus are the lion, the jaguar, the snow leopard and the tiger.Leopards are characterized by their striking fur of dark spots … [Read more...]
Slender Loris
Slender lorises are small, nocturnal prosimians native to the rainforests of Sri Lanka and Southern India. There are actually two species, the Red Slender Loris (loris tardigradus) and the gray slender loris (loris lydekkerianus), and they are the only members of the genus … [Read more...]
The manatee, belongs to the family Trichechidae and is a fully aquatic marine mammal. Sometimes known as sea cows, they make up three of four of the order of Sirenia. The Sirenia currently comprise two distinct families: Dugongidae (the dugong and the now extinct Steller's sea … [Read more...]
Spectacled Bear
Spectacled Bears (Tremarctos ornatus) also known as the 'Andean Bears' are distributed in the Northern Andes Mountains including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and into Chile. It is the only living bear species native to South America. The Spectacled Bear is the closest living … [Read more...]
Koala – Fascinating Facts & Info
The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is an Australian arboreal marsupial which is native to parts of Australia particularly Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. The word koala comes from the Dharuk word 'gula'. The word is said to mean 'does not drink' as the Koala receives … [Read more...]
The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera and belongs to the family Felidae, along with tigers, leopards and jaguars. It is native to Africa and India and is the second largest cat in the world, following the tiger.While once found throughout much of … [Read more...]