The California Condor, Gymnogyps californianus, is a great testament to the efforts of those that conserve and protect our most endangered species. These are the largest land birds in the USA, but not even their size could protect them from the jaws of extinction. Where size … [Read more...]
Great Horned Owl – A Symbol of Wisdom and Strength
The Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus, is one of the most widely distributed and largest owls, native across the Americas. Also known as the 'hoot owl' or 'tiger owl', these birds are admired for their great size and formidable appearance. They are also known for their … [Read more...]
Raven – Large, Mysterious and Devilishly Clever
The raven, belongs to the genus 'Corvus', which is widely distributed across the globe. At one time it was considered to be a single species, but it is now accepted that there are 9 seperate species of raven within the genus Corvus.There are 46 extant species within this … [Read more...]
Crows – Life and Lore of these Intelligent Birds
Crows, make up most of the species of bird belonging to the genus 'Corvus'. In many cultures and across history, they have been seen as symbols of intelligence and adaptability.Within the Corvus genus, there are 47 extant species currently recognised, and 36 of these are … [Read more...]
Blackbird (Common) – Europe’s Shadowy Songsters
The Common Blackbird, or (Turdus merula) as it’s known scientifically, is a common sight across a massive range in Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. This charming bird is a proud member of the 'Turdus' genus, which is quite large, made up of 65 extant species. Together with 16 … [Read more...]
Red Knot
The Red Knot (Calidris canutus) is a medium-sized shorebird that is found in both the western and eastern parts of North America. It is also known as the robin sandpiper and is a common migrant bird along many coastal areas of the world.There are 6 subspecies, 3 of which are … [Read more...]
Mourning Dove
The Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), has been known by many names historically, and is one of the most common and widespread birds in North America. They can be found as far north as Southern Canada, abundantly through The USA, and outside of breeding season they can also be … [Read more...]
Tawny Owl
The Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) - also known as the Brown Owl - is a nocturnal bird of prey that belongs to the Strigidae family. It has a distinctive reddish-brown colouring, hence its name, and is one of the most commonly seen owls in Europe and much of Asia.The Tawny Owl is … [Read more...]
Baltimore Oriole
The Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) is one of the most striking birds in North America. These icterid (new world) blackbirds are easily recognizable by their bright orange and black plumage. Orioles are on the medium to small side, averaging roughly six to nine inches in … [Read more...]
The Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) is a plover-like bird, native to the Americas, found widely across Canada, the USA, Central and South America. In general, it is a small bird (large for a plover), brown and white with a black necklace.It prefers to live by water and nests … [Read more...]