The Yak - also known as the Tartary Ox, in an animal well respected in its native lands. It is a symbol of life in the high-altitude regions of Asia, and an example of resilience in the harsh wild. Domestic Yaks are scientifically known as Bos grunniens. They are one of two … [Read more...]
Bovids (Bovidae)
Bovidae is a family of mammals that includes cows, sheep, goats, and antelopes. They are all ruminants, meaning they have a four-chambered stomach that allows them to digest grasses. Bovids are herbivores and eat mostly vegetation.
The bovid family is one of the largest families of mammals, with over 140 different species. Bovids vary greatly in size, from the small pygmy goat to the massive African buffalo (which can weigh up to a ton). They are found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia.
Bovids are generally social animals that live in herds. Herds offer protection from predators and also allow bovids to cooperate in finding food and water.
Some bovid species are migratory, moving to different areas to find food and avoid harsh weather conditions.
The bovid family is an important part of many ecosystems. They play a role in seed dispersal and help control the growth of plants.
Bovids are also an important food source for many predators, such as lions, hyenas, and wolves.
Humans have utilized bovids for millennia. They provide us with meat, milk, leather, and other products.
Bovids in some cultures are considered to be sacred.
The waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) is an antelope of the genus Kobus and the family Bovidae, first described by Irish naturalist William Ogilby in 1833. It is a large species, between 177 and 235 cm (70 and 93 in) long and a height between 120 and 136 cm (47 and 54 in). There … [Read more...]
African Buffalo
The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a sub-Saharan African bovine, of which there are five species. These animals are large and widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals on the African continent. It has a very unpredictable temperament and has never been … [Read more...]
Musk Ox
The Musk Ox (Ovibos moschatus) are large cattle-like animals that are part of the Bovidae family. They can be found on the treeless tundra from Alaska east through northern Canada to Greenland. Their name is derived from the strong musky smell of the bulls that is omitted during … [Read more...]
The Wildebeest (genus Connochaetes), also called a Gnu, is an ungulate mammal found in Southern Kenya, South Angola to north south Africa.There are 2 species of wildebeest which are the Black Wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) and the Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), both … [Read more...]
Bison are true even-toed mammals that belong to the family Bovidae. There are two kinds of Bison species (also known as Buffalo) that inhabit our planet, they are the American Bison (Bison bison) which include the species American plains bison (Bison bison bison) and the American … [Read more...]
Cows are members of the sub-family 'Bovinae' of the family 'Bovidae'. This family also includes Gazelles, Buffalo, Bison, Antelopes, Sheep and Goats.Cows are raised for many reasons including: milk, cheese, other dairy products, also for meat such as beef and veal and … [Read more...]
Goats are amazing animals. Goats are tough and versatile and have more uses than you could ever imagine. Goats can survive and thrive just about anywhere. A goat is a hoofed mammal in the genus 'Capra'. Most goats are referred to as 'domestic goats which are sub-species of the … [Read more...]