The Hercules Beetle, is one of the toughest creatures on the planet, relatively, when it comes to brute strength. Scientifically known as Dynastes hercules, this beetle, belonging to the rhinoceros beetle tribe (Dynastini) within the Dynastinae subfamily. There are over 1,500 … [Read more...]
Mayfly – A Glimpse Into Their Delicate Existence
Mayfly, scientifically known as the order 'Ephemeroptera' are incredible little insects, found in fresh water environments all over the world. These delicate creatures are like nature's fleeting artwork, here today and gone tomorrow. With species found worldwide (except … [Read more...]
Tarantula Hawk – Powerful Stingers In The Sky
Tarantula Hawks, are scientifically recognized as members of the genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis, and they are not just any other insect. They are beautiful, formidable and scary in equal measure. There are over 350 species of these little insects across their two genera, which form … [Read more...]
Stick Bugs – Nature’s Masters of Disguise
Stick Bugs, also known as Stick insects or walking sticks, are one of the insect worlds masters of disguise. Often referred to as 'nature's camouflage experts,' they are truly a wonder in the insect world.These insects are both numerous and diverse. With approximately 3,000 … [Read more...]
Green Caterpillars
Green caterpillars can be found all over the place — all over the world, and even in your garden! These little creatures often have a knack for hiding in your plants and vegetables, and can often cause destruction by munching their way through them, before they turn into … [Read more...]
Poisonous Caterpillars
Caterpillars are immature stages of moths and butterflies that often have spines and barbed hooks. With most species, these are for show and are quite harmless, but some of these are poisonous caterpillars and should be left alone.While caterpillars can be a nuisance to … [Read more...]
Camel Cricket
Camel crickets belong to the family Rhaphidophoridae of the suborder Ensifera and the order Orthoptera, which contains grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. Rhaphidophoridae, also known as cave wētā, cave crickets, camelback crickets, spider crickets (sometimes shortened to … [Read more...]
Spotted Beetle
The Spotted Beetle, also known as the Spotted Cucumber Beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) belongs to the family Chrysomelidae.The spotted cucumber beetle is a major agricultural pest insect. They are found east of Rocky Mountains. (Closely related species are found … [Read more...]
For more than 100 million years, ants have been living on the Earth. They can be found almost anywhere on the planet. As of 2006, there are 11,880 known ant species, most of which reside in hot climates.Ants are members of the family of social insects which means they live in … [Read more...]
There are over 20,000 species of bees in the world in nine recognised families. There are still many unclassified species therefore the total population could be even higher. Bees can be found in every habitat on the planet that contains flowering dicotyledons - a name for a … [Read more...]