The Asian Elephant (Elephas Maximus),is found primarily in large parts of Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indochina and parts of Indonesia. The Asian elephant is considered endangered, with between 25,600 and 32,750 individuals left in the wild. Asian elephants belong to the family … [Read more...]
The Elk (Cervus canadensis), is an ungulate mammal which is also known as the 'wapiti' a native American word that means 'light-colored deer'. It is one of the largest deer species in the world, along with the Moose and the Sambar Deer. Elks are native to North America and East … [Read more...]
Koala – Fascinating Facts & Info
The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is an Australian arboreal marsupial which is native to parts of Australia particularly Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. The word koala comes from the Dharuk word 'gula'. The word is said to mean 'does not drink' as the Koala receives … [Read more...]
The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera and belongs to the family Felidae, along with tigers, leopards and jaguars. It is native to Africa and India and is the second largest cat in the world, following the tiger.While once found throughout much of … [Read more...]
The Orangutans (Genus: Pongo), are two species of great apes known for their intelligence, long arms and reddish-brown hair.Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, they are currently found only in rainforests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, though fossils have been found in … [Read more...]
The Addax, sometimes called the 'screw horn antelope', because of its twisted horns, is a large, desert dwelling member of the antelope family, closely related to the Oryx.The Addax is a critically endangered mammal which is found in several isolated areas in the sahara … [Read more...]
African Wild Dog
The African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) is a mammal native only to Africa. It is a member of the canidae family which also includes dogs, coyotes, dingos, jackals and wolves. It is known by other names such as the Painted Hunting Dog, African Hunting Dog, Cape Hunting Dog and … [Read more...]
Giant Anteater
Anteaters belong to the order 'Pilosa' which also includes Sloths. The Giant Anteater is the largest of the Anteater species, hence its name. Other Anteater species include the Silky Anteater (Cyclopes didactylus) and the Collared Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla). Giant Anteaters … [Read more...]
Bison are true even-toed mammals that belong to the family Bovidae. There are two kinds of Bison species (also known as Buffalo) that inhabit our planet, they are the American Bison (Bison bison) which include the species American plains bison (Bison bison bison) and the American … [Read more...]
Caribou (Reindeer)
The Caribou is a wild species of deer often called reindeer when domesticated.They belong to a large group of hoofed ungulate mammals called artiodactyls which also includes camels and giraffes. They are found in the arctic tundra regions of North America, Asia, Northern … [Read more...]