Hedgehog Quiz for Kids1. What substance are hedgehogs spines made from? Bone Ivory Keratin2. What kind of insect lives on a hedgehog? Tick Flea Termite3. What is it called when a hedgehog sheds its baby spines for adult spines? Quilling Spineing Prickling4. What are hedgehogs favourite foods? Centipedes and Millipedes Slugs and Worms Beetles and Bugs5. What is a male hedgehog called? Boar Bull Buck6. What scientific ‘Order’ do Hedgehogs belong to? Erinaceomorpha Carnivora Rodentia7. What is a hedgehogs living behaviour? Crepuscular Nocturnal Diurnal8. If threatened, what do hedgehogs do as self defence against predators? Put up its fronts paws Dig a hole to hide in Roll up into a ball9. Hedghogs are born without the initial capability to do this: Smell See Hear10. How do hedgehogs hibernate? In groups In pairs AloneScore = </>Correct answers: