Insect Quiz for KidsHow much do you know about Insects? Take our quiz below and find out.1. Ants eat a sweet fluid called honey dew, where does this fluid come from? Flowers Aphids Trees2. How do bees obtain nectar from flowers? Scraping it with their antennae Using their feet Using their probocsis3. What order do beetles belong to? Lepidoptera Coleoptera Odonata4. What is a butterfly before it becomes a butterfly? Millipede Worm Caterpillar5. A Dragonfly is sometimes confused with what other kind of fly? Damsel Fly House Fly Green Fly6. When food is scarce, what do Grasshoppers become? Praying Mantis Locust Angry7. What is the wing covering called on a ladybird? Bone Scales Elytra8. How do wasps differ from bees? Wasps do not sting Wasps do not have wax producing glands Wasps only fly when it is raining9. How many eyes do most spiders have? 4 6 810. Can worms survive if they are cut in half? Yes, both ends become seperate worms Only one half will survive No, the worm will dieScore = </>Correct answers: