Linking to Animal Corner™
If you have found this site to be useful and informative we would appreciate it very much if you placed a link to Animal Corner on your site.
Text Links
You can use the text link below (just copy and paste into your website): Animal Corner – Find animal facts and animal information at Animal Corner. Animal Corner features pets, wildlife, insects, Marine life, farm animals, Galapagos wildlife, Rainforest animals, venomous creatures and Reptiles. Here is how this link will appear:
Animal Corner – Find animal facts and animal information at Animal Corner. Animal Corner features pets, wildlife, insects, Marine life, farm animals, Galapagos wildlife, Rainforest animals, venomous creatures and Reptiles.
Or you could use this shorter text link: Animal Corner – Animal Corner is an animal encyclopedia featuring pets, wildlife, insects, Marine life, farm animals, Galapagos wildlife, Rainforest animals, venomous creatures and Reptiles. Here is how this link will appear:
Animal Corner – Animal Corner is an animal encyclopedia featuring pets, wildlife, insects, Marine life, farm animals, Galapagos wildlife, Rainforest animals, venomous creatures and Reptiles.
Image Links
Here are a few graphic links you can put on any web page you like. That way more people can find Animal Corner!
To link to us, please choose the image you prefer, right-click on it and choose “Save Target As…” (or the equivalent for your browser) to save one of the logos to your image or graphic folder. Then upload it to your site and link it to to
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Image Links
105 x 65 <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a> 134 x 94
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a> 364 x 79
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a> 120 x 90
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a> 444 x 54
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a> 200 x 200
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Animal Corner ” border=”0″ /></a>