Llama Questions & FAQ’S
Commonly asked questions about Llamas
What do you do with a llama?
Llamas make excellent pets, wool producers, pack animals, cart animals and sheep guardians.Do Llamas spit?
Very rarely at people, however, Llamas use this as a warning in food and breeding disputes within the herd. However, it is much safer than biting or kicking.How long do Llamas live?
Llamas live around 15 years, they can often live 20 – 30 years .What is the Llamas gestation period?
The Llamas gestation period is 11 and a half months.What age can you begin breeding Llamas?
Female Llamas as early as one year and male Llamas between 2 and 3 and a half years.How soon can you re-breed Llamas after delivery?
Around 14 days. Llamas do not come into heat. Llamas are induced ovulators. Female llamas spend 95% of their adult life pregnant.How much weight can Llamas carry?
Between 80 – 120 lbs.How much do Llamas weigh?
Around 25 – 30 lbs at birth. 250 – 500 lbs at maturity.How much do Llamas eat?
You can feed a llama on less than a bale of hay a week.What do you feed Llamas?
Grass hay and loose mineral salts.Are Llamas easy to train?
Yes. Llamas have been domesticated for thousands of years and packing and walking on a lead are part of their nature.What are some of the unique characteristics of llamas?
Llamas have their babies during daylight hours (usually between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.), Llamas dung pile (go in only one or two spots in the pasture), they have an extra elliptical blood cell so that they are automatically adapted to working at high altitudes, and Llamas have wide set eyes which can see almost 260 degrees. This makes them very kinetically aware and they rarely trip or knock things over in tight spaces.What is a Llamas fibre like?
It is hollow, so it is lighter and warmer than wool. It does not contain lanolin so many people who are allergic to wool can wear llama.What sounds do Llamas make?
Llamas hum, orgle when breeding and have a high pitched alarm call.What do you look for in a llama?
Size, good bone, a high tail set, a flat back, banana shaped ears, fluid movement, balance, straight legs and a calm disposition and fine quality wool.When are llamas full grown?
When they are 3 and a half years.Do you have to geld male llamas in order to use them for pets and pack animals?
No, generally not, however, it is recommended for llamas used as guard animals so they will not be tempted to mount the sheep.Are Llamas good travelers?
Yes. Llamas usually lie down when moving and can be transported in the back of a van. Llamas require very little room when traveling.Is a Llamas manure good fertilizer?
It is exceptional. It is rich, however, not hot. It does not have to be composted in order to be used.How long does it take for their coat to grow back after shearing?
Two years.Does ‘ears back’ mean the llama is mad?
Not always (in fact, rarely). Llama body language is not exactly like that of other, more familiar, domestic species. ‘Ears back’, for instance, can show boredom, relaxation, irritation, fear, dominance or submission. The differences are often subtle and must be interpreted in the context of both the situation and other body language.