The North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) is a semi-aquatic mammal, of the order rodentia. They are one of two extant species, the other being the Eurasian Beaver.Historically, the North American beaver was widespread across the whole North American continent, … [Read more...]
American Kestrel
The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest North American falcon. It is often called the sparrow hawk, not to be confused with the Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) which is a different bird of prey species entirely. It is found throughout most of the American … [Read more...]
It is difficult to describe what a degu looks like without making reference to another animal.In the case of degu's what animal they look like depends on your point of view. To most people degu's look like gigantic gerbils and yet to others they look like squirrels.It is … [Read more...]
Armadillos are mammals of the order Cingulata and family Dasypodidae, and are best known for having their very own protective, hard shell armor. With a natural defense system in place, the armadillo has been able to thrive for millions of years and can be found in the western … [Read more...]
Puma Cat
The Puma Cat (Puma concolor) is a large, graceful cat belonging to the felidae family. Pumas are also called Cougars, Panthers and Mountain Lions.Pumas are solitary cats and have the largest ranges of all wild terrestrial mammals in the Western Hemisphere. Their range extends … [Read more...]
Spectacled Bear
Spectacled Bears (Tremarctos ornatus) also known as the 'Andean Bears' are distributed in the Northern Andes Mountains including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and into Chile. It is the only living bear species native to South America. The Spectacled Bear is the closest living … [Read more...]
The Chinchilla is a small, furry rodent, about the size of a rabbit, that is native to the Andes mountains of South America. There are two species of chinchilla, Chinchilla lanigera and Chinchilla brevicaudata. There is little noticeable difference between the two species except … [Read more...]