One of the most important parts of owning a cat is choosing a name for them. Choosing a name that is easy to remember and sounds cool is important, but it’s also important to choose a name that is meaningful to the cat.
Some cats have unique names that are easy to remember or simply sound cool. Others have names that are more difficult to remember, yet are secretly meaningful. Other cats are simply fun and silly, while others are popular and well-liked.
In this post we will be looking at cat names that begin with the letter O specifically. There are lots of awesome names for your cat that start with O. From the more traditional ‘Oscar’, or ‘Oakley’, to the more modern, pop culture influenced, such as ‘Optimus’, or ‘Obi-Wan’. There is something here to suit any cats personality!
Top 20 Most Popular Male Cat Names That Begin with O
Check out these awesome popular male cat names starting with O!
Oreo |
Onyx |
Othello |
Orlando |
Oscar |
Ozzie |
Oliver |
Osbert |
Oxo |
Optimus |
Oats |
Ozzy |
Osama |
Oddball |
Outlaw |
Oakley |
Olly |
Orville |
Obi-Wan |
Ocelot |
More Male Cat Names That Begin with O
Do you want more great cat name ideas that start with O? Take a look at the big collection below!
Oboe |
Obsidian |
Octavius |
Odin |
Orson |
Otis |
O’Malley |
Orion |
Oregano |
Onslow |
Otto |
Orange |
Orange Crush |
Oberon |
Odysseus |
Orpheus |
Oskar |
Optimus Prime |
Ozzi |
Octo |
O`malli |
Oor Wullie |
Olli |
Osiris |
Oswald |
Oswell |
Oxford |
Osmanthus |
Orin |
Oisin |
Orwell |
Odyssey |
Ormond |
Obediah |
Omega |
Orangie |
Osmosis |
Olephant |
Ogre |
Orc |
Orca |
Omec |
Opal Fruit |
Opie |
Ondre |
Oolong |
October |
Opus |
Ottie |
Okeli |
Oasis |
Orzo |
Osaka |
Oak |
Orphan |
Oreos |
Oatmeal |
Ogri |
Opium |
Omie |
Owl |
OhNo |
Othchi Kotchi |
oscer walker |
Oswald Cobblepot |
O.J. |
Onix |
One Direction |
Oddie |
Ojay |
Ody |
Oliver Tiwst |
O’reo |
Obrien |
Orangeboom |
Oakes |
Olivarez |
Ontiveros |
Osborne |
Oleary |
Ory |
Ojeda |
Obuma |
Okie |
Ohso |
O’Callaghan |
Odriscoll |
Olaf |
OV |
Ovens |
Orowan |
Orchard |
Olie |
Obi |
Odie |
Oslo |
O’Malley |
Owen |
Ombra |
Ozma |
Ozark |
Oni |
Onion |
Ontario |
Orbit |
Ogden |
Oz |
Top 20 Most Popular Female Cat Names That Begin with O
There are some great names to consider in our shortlist of popular female cat names that begin with O. Check them out here!
Orchid |
Ollie |
Ophelia |
Olivia |
Osiris |
octopussy |
Olive Oyl |
Opal |
Oakley |
Ozma |
Orca |
Olive |
oprah |
orangie |
Oasis |
Oralie |
Ortiz |
Olsen |
Ora |
Oceana |
More Female Cat Names That Begin with O
Here’s our big list of female cat names that begin with O. Check these ones out!
Olympia |
Omega |
Olga |
Octavia |
Odessa |
Obediah |
Opie |
Opey |
olly pur |
Onyxia |
Odyssey |
Oink |
Ochra |
Oompah Loompah |
Olmec |
Ontario |
Onyx |
Oriana |
Odysseia |
Odelia |
Ozzie |
Orphia |
Omaira |
Orella |
Osmunda |
Oreo |
Oona |
Olinda |
Olena |
Okalani |
Olivine |
Oaklynn |
Odette |
October |
Omlette |
Oriole |
Olivet |
Onika |
Ohana |
Owena |
Ochre |
Ogden |
Ombra |
Osaka |
Ochocinco |
Ocean |
Oxman |
Olin |
Oopsie |
Oozie |
Obera |
Oleander |
Olita |
Olga |
Cat Names from A-Z
Cat names that begin with A
Cat names that begin with B
Cat names that begin with C
Cat names that begin with D
Cat names that begin with E
Cat names that begin with F
Cat names that begin with G
Cat names that begin with H
Cat names that begin with I
Cat names that begin with J
Cat names that begin with K
Cat names that begin with L
Cat names that begin with M
Cat names that begin with N
Cat names that begin with O
Cat names that begin with P
Cat names that begin with Q
Cat names that begin with R
Cat names that begin with S
Cat names that begin with T
Cat names that begin with U
Cat names that begin with V
Cat names that begin with W
Cat names that begin with X
Cat names that begin with Y
Cat names that begin with Z