Choosing a name for your new kitten is difficult. That’s why we’ve created a series of cat name blogs to help take the guesswork out of naming your new four-legged pet. Look no farther if you’re searching for cat names that begin with the letter U!
We have something for everyone, whether you want something classic or something unique.
Popular boy cat names include “Ulysses,” “Uber,” and “Uri.” Consider “Uncle Buck,” or “Ultron” if you want something a little different.
Some of the most common names for female cats include “Una,” “Unity,” and “Uriel.” Try “Uhura,” or even just “U” for something a bit different.
We hope you find your cat name that begins with U in the following name ideas.
Top 20 Most Popular Male Cat Names That Begin with U
Check out these popular male cat names starting with U!
Ulysses |
Umberto |
Ute |
Ulrich |
Uzi |
Udon |
Uber |
Ugo |
Umber |
Ulrik |
Ukulele |
Umbridge |
Utah |
Ukip |
Uno |
Ubel |
Usher |
Ultron |
Umpire |
Urie |
More Male Cat Names That Begin with U
If that’s not enough for you, here’s more ace cat names that start with U? Take a look at this more comprehensive collection!
Unikat |
Uri |
Ugly Cat |
Uncle Kitty |
Uriel |
Uberto |
Ulbricht |
Unco |
Umi |
Umar |
Upwood |
Urbain |
Upton |
Urbano |
Union |
Ulexite |
Urith |
Udo |
Upen |
Uriah |
Urian |
Uxio |
Uggy |
Ulprus |
Uncle |
Urban |
Urmas |
Uzzy |
Uland |
Ultan |
Ursus |
Unnati |
Ultra |
Ubba Bubba |
Upbeat |
Urgent |
Ustinov |
Utrillo |
Underfoot |
Uncle Soup |
Unin |
Umbreon |
Usama |
Ulmar |
Urias |
Ulmur |
Urijah |
Udell |
Ukrit |
Uluc |
Umeboshi |
Ulani |
Urani |
Umbra |
Umbrine |
Ultimate Warrior |
Ulk |
Uzee |
Urchin |
Uranus |
Uzo |
Uranium |
Unicat |
Usha |
Udin |
Ukraine |
Unity |
Uris |
Uncle Buck |
Uncle Fester |
Upwind |
Ulster |
Top 20 Most Popular Female Cat Names That Begin with U
We start the female cat names selection off with our list of the most popular names starting with U.
Una |
Umeeka |
Ulyssa |
Unity |
Udele |
Urika |
Ultara |
Umami |
Unicorn |
Uriel |
Ulrika |
Uma |
Uhura |
Ursa |
Unique |
Ukulele |
Ursula |
Utopia |
Unice |
Utah |
More Female Cat Names That Begin with U
We have even more awesome, unique and interesting female cat names that begin with U. Check these ones out!
Upton |
Uptown Girl |
Upsidedown |
Underhill |
Underwood |
Utley |
Ushki |
Unseelie |
Uriah |
Uziel |
Uzziah |
Ulexite |
Uni |
Uzuri |
Urith |
Umbriere |
Umi |
Undina |
Uchenna |
Umatilla |
Ulna |
Udella |
Urania |
Ursuline |
Urbana |
Unaiza |
Umila |
Umma |
Ukipa |
Uttara |
Uda |
Udelia |
Ultima |
Undine |
Ultreia |
Unica |
Ushama |
Uzi |
Urva |
Uhua |
Umka |
Ultravox |
Urani |
Umbra |
Ulmar |
Ulani |
Umbridge |
Urias |
Ugo |
Usama |
Upwood |
Urbain |
Udell |
Umber |
Union |
Urbano |
Usher |
Uzza |
Udiya |
Urvi |
Ulalia |
Uka |
Udaya |
Ualani |
Cat Names from A-Z
Cat names that begin with A
Cat names that begin with B
Cat names that begin with C
Cat names that begin with D
Cat names that begin with E
Cat names that begin with F
Cat names that begin with G
Cat names that begin with H
Cat names that begin with I
Cat names that begin with J
Cat names that begin with K
Cat names that begin with L
Cat names that begin with M
Cat names that begin with N
Cat names that begin with O
Cat names that begin with P
Cat names that begin with Q
Cat names that begin with R
Cat names that begin with S
Cat names that begin with T
Cat names that begin with U
Cat names that begin with V
Cat names that begin with W
Cat names that begin with X
Cat names that begin with Y
Cat names that begin with Z