Finding it tough to think of a great name beginning with the letter L for your new puppy? If so then take a look at our epic list below.
We’ve compiled a list of our favorite L-named pups, from traditional to creative, cool to cute.
For boy dogs, some popular L-named choices include Luke, Leo, and Levi. If you’re looking for something a little different, try out Liam or Lochlan.
And for girl dogs, Lily and Luna are always lovely options. But if you want something unique, try out Layla or Leia.
No matter what kind of dog name you’re searching for, we hope you find the perfect one for your pup on this list!
Top 20 Most Popular Male Dog Names That Begin with L
Leo | Lenny |
Levi | Luther |
Link | Lee |
Logan | Luke |
Lucky | Lennon |
Leroy | Larry |
Loui | Lando |
Loki | Lito |
Lucky | Lester |
Luca | Lexus |
More Male Dog Names That Begin with L
Do you want more dog names that start with L? Take a look at this cool collection!
Labbes |
Lackel |
Lacky |
Lackyo |
Lacus |
Lado |
Ladron |
Lady |
Lago |
Laika |
Laiki |
Laios |
Lajos |
Lake |
Laker |
Lalos |
Lamar |
Lamborghini |
Lamdolf |
Lancelot |
Lanco |
Land |
Lando |
Landor |
Lane |
Lanero |
Lango |
Langos |
Lantus |
Lanus |
Lanusch |
Lanzelot |
Lanzer |
Lanzo |
Laos |
Lapis |
Lardo |
Largo |
Largos |
Larro |
Larry |
Larson |
Lasco |
Laser |
Lashes |
Lasko |
Laslo |
Lasse |
Lasso |
Latus |
Latz |
Laurel |
Laurence |
Laurent |
Laurin |
Laus |
Lausbub |
Lauser |
Lava |
Lavender |
Lawrence |
Lazar |
Lazarus |
Lebron |
Lee |
Leeba |
Leeroy |
Leesha |
Leeu |
Legat |
Legolas |
Legro |
Lehmann |
Leia |
Leif |
Leiko |
Lemmerick |
Lemmi |
Lemmy |
Lemon |
Lemorro |
Lenard |
Lenardo |
Leni |
Lennart |
Lennon |
Lennox |
Lenny |
Leno |
Lenox |
Lenz |
Leo |
Leon |
Leonardo |
Leonid |
Leontes |
Leopold |
Leroy |
Lerry |
Lesko |
Less |
Lester |
Letter |
Letty |
Leu |
Lev |
Levi |
Leviathan |
Levin |
Levis |
Lew |
Lewi |
Lewis |
Lex |
Lexington |
Lexo |
Liam |
Lico |
Liddy |
Lido |
Liebster |
Lightning |
Lilian |
Lilo |
Lily |
Limbo |
Limbos |
Lincoln |
Lines |
Link |
Linnart |
Lino |
Linox |
Lintus |
Linus |
Linux |
Lio |
Lion |
Lionel |
Lionheart |
Liszt |
Little |
Little Foot |
Little Joe |
Little One |
Livio |
Livius |
Lizard |
Loaf |
Lobo |
Loco |
Loddar |
Logan |
Lois |
Loki |
Lola |
Lomex |
London |
Loomes |
Loop |
Lorbas |
Lord |
Lord Byron |
Lordas |
Lordo |
Lorenz |
Lorenzo |
Loriot |
Loris |
Lothar |
Lotus |
Lou |
Louie |
Louis |
Lover |
Lovis |
Löwe |
Lu |
Luban |
Luc |
Luca |
Lucca |
Lucifer |
Lucio |
Lucius |
Lucky |
Lucy |
Ludwig |
Luggi |
Luigi |
Luis |
Luka |
Lukas |
Luke |
Lulani |
Lulu |
Lümmel |
Lump |
Lumpi |
Luna |
Lunatic |
Lupin |
Lupo |
Lupus |
Luton |
Lutz |
Lux |
Luxor |
Luzifer |
Luzius |
Lychee |
Lycos |
Lykos |
Lyon |
Lyonel |
Lyric |
Lysander |
Lyschko |
Top 20 Most Popular Female Dog Names That Begin with L
Lily | Lotte |
Lady | Lizzy |
Lassie | Latch |
Lola | Liberty |
Lucky | Lucci |
Lucy | Ling |
Luna | Laguna |
Lexy | Lilith |
Lilly | Lilac |
Lulu | Luna |
More Female Dog Names That Begin with L
We have even more excellent female dog names that begin with L. Check these ones out!
Labyrinth |
Lacee |
Lacey |
Lacy |
Lady |
Lady Gaga |
Ladylove |
Lafitte |
Laguna |
Laica |
Laida |
Laika |
Laila |
Lala |
Lale |
Laley |
Lalita |
Lambada |
Lambchop |
Lamila |
Lamka |
Lana |
Lancia |
Landa |
Laney |
Langstion |
Lani |
Lanja |
Lao-Ma |
Laola |
LaQuisha |
Lara |
Lares |
Larissa |
Larza |
Lashes |
Laska |
Lasly |
Lassie |
Lassy |
Latana |
Latch |
Latina |
Latini |
Latischa |
Latiscia |
Lauda |
Laura |
Lauri |
Laurie |
Lausanne |
Lavender |
Lavinia |
Lavra |
Laxy |
Layka |
Layla |
Lazy |
Lea |
Leander |
Leane |
LeBeau |
Leda |
Lee |
LeeAnne |
Leela |
Leesley |
Lega |
Leida |
Leigh |
Leigha |
Leighy |
Leika |
Leila |
Lelia |
Lema |
Lemmy |
Lemon |
Lena |
Lenda |
Lenia |
Lenka |
Leone |
Leonie |
Lesita |
Leska |
Leslie |
Lesly |
Lesna |
Lessa |
Lesta |
Leta |
Letice |
Letta |
Letti |
Levade |
Levana |
Levee |
Levie |
Levit |
Levka |
Lexa |
Lexi |
Lexi Liberty |
Lexie Grace |
Lexis |
Lexy |
Leyla |
Lia |
Liana |
Liane |
Liara |
Libby |
Libby Lu |
Libertine |
Liberty |
Lickums |
Licorice |
Lida |
Lieb |
Liebchen |
Liese |
Liesel |
Lieselotte |
Liesl |
Lightning |
Lila |
lilac |
Lileth |
Liliana |
Lilibet |
Lilii |
Lilith |
Lill |
Lillemor |
Lilli |
Lillian |
Lillie |
Lillith |
Lilly |
Lilly Lou |
Lilly Mae |
Lilo |
Lily |
Lima |
Lina |
Linda |
Lindra |
Lindsay |
Linette |
Ling |
Lio |
Liona |
Lira |
Lisa |
Lisana |
Lisbeth |
Lisia |
Liska |
Lissa |
Lissbon |
Lissi |
Lissiline |
Lissy |
Lita |
Litta |
Littera |
Liv |
Livana |
Livia |
Living |
Liwanu |
liza |
lizzie |
Lizzie Lou |
Lizzy |
Locke |
Loki |
Lola |
Loli |
Lolipop |
Lolita |
Lollipop |
Lolly |
Lona |
London |
Loni |
Loona |
Looney |
Loony |
Loopo |
Lora |
Loraine |
Lore |
Lorena |
Loretta |
Lori |
Lotta |
Lotte |
Lottie |
Lotty |
Lotus |
Lou |
Loucinda |
Louisa |
Louise |
Loulou |
Loulu |
Lu |
Luana |
Luca |
Lucci |
Lucetta |
Lucia |
Lucie |
Lucinda |
Lucky |
Lucy |
Luena |
Lugra |
Luigia |
Luisa |
Luise |
Lullaby |
Lulou |
Lulu |
Luna |
Lunetta |
Lussiana |
Luxus |
Luzia |
Luzie |
Luzy |
Luzzia |
Luzzy |
Lyanne |
Lydia |
Lyka |
Lynette |
Lynn |
Lynnie |
Lyra |
Dog Names from A-Z
Dog names that begin with A
Dog names that begin with B
Dog names that begin with C
Dog names that begin with D
Dog names that begin with E
Dog names that begin with F
Dog names that begin with G
Dog names that begin with H
Dog names that begin with I
Dog names that begin with J
Dog names that begin with K
Dog names that begin with L
Dog names that begin with M
Dog names that begin with N
Dog names that begin with O
Dog names that begin with P
Dog names that begin with Q
Dog names that begin with R
Dog names that begin with S
Dog names that begin with T
Dog names that begin with U
Dog names that begin with V
Dog names that begin with W
Dog names that begin with X
Dog names that begin with Y
Dog names that begin with Z