There are so many dog names out there, and it can be tough to decide on the perfect one for your pup. If you’re looking for something unique, elegant, cool, or traditional, then you might want to consider a name that starts with the letter S.
Some popular dog names that start with S include Sadie, Sammy, and Sasha. But there are plenty of other great options out there too. So if you’re looking for some dog name inspiration, then check out our list of some of the best names for dogs that start with S.
Top 20 Most Popular Male Dog Names That Begin with S
Scardy | Sergeant |
Schnapps | Seuss |
Sinbad | Shaggy |
Scooby | Sheldon |
Scooter | Smitty |
Skeletor | Snoopy |
Scout | Socrates |
Scrappy | Soprano |
Sampson | Spencer |
Shaolin | Sting |
More Male Dog Names That Begin with S
Do you want more dog names that start with S? Take a look at this cool collection!
Saba |
Sabor |
Sabre |
Saco |
Saddy |
Sadore |
Sadoro |
Saeno |
Saenoro |
Saero |
Saerolo |
Safir |
Safiro |
Sago |
Sagon |
Saigon |
Sailor |
Saimor |
Salem |
Salko |
Salvatore |
Sam |
Samba |
Sambo |
Samboro |
Sami |
Samio |
Samion |
Samito |
Samitoro |
Sammy |
Samson |
Samurai |
Samy |
San |
Sanchez |
Sancho |
Sanchos |
Sandex |
Sandi |
Sando |
Sandokan |
Sandomo |
Sandor |
Sandoro |
Sandos |
Sandox |
Santa |
Santana |
Santini |
Santo |
Santos |
Santuro |
Saphir |
Sapphire |
Sarastro |
Sarastros |
Sardo |
Saredo |
Sarge |
Sari |
Saril |
Saro |
Saron |
Saronto |
Saros |
Sarotti |
Sarras |
Sarro |
Sarron |
Sarrono |
Sarus |
Sary |
Sascha |
Sasha |
Sashimi |
Sastor |
Sasum |
Sasumo |
Satan |
Satay |
Satchmo |
Satem |
Sati |
Sato |
Satono |
Satoro |
Saturn |
Saturno |
Satus |
Savas |
Savash |
Savernake |
Saxo |
Sayo |
Scabby |
Scampi |
Scarborough |
Scardy |
Scarface |
Schabernack |
Schah |
Schalk |
Schandor |
Schani |
Schari |
Scharin |
Scharky |
Scharly |
Schartan |
Schello |
Scherlo |
Scheron |
Scherry |
Schirkan |
Schlaubi |
Schlaubischlumpf |
Schlawiner |
Schlotto |
Schlumpf |
Schlumpfi |
Schlupp |
Schlüter |
Schmigel |
Schmittlein |
Schmoo |
Schmooze |
Schnapps |
Schnarky |
Schnatto |
Schnook |
Schnuckel |
Schnuddel |
Schnudel |
Schnuffel |
Schnuffie |
Schnufflo |
Schnulli |
Schnuppi |
Schnuppie |
Schorchy |
Schorsch |
Schorschi |
Schosch |
Schröder |
Schulz |
Schulze |
Schuschuk |
Schwartz |
Schweppes |
Schwips |
Scip |
Scipio |
Scoobie |
Scooby |
ScoobyDoo |
Scooter |
Scorpio |
Scotch |
Scott |
Scotti |
Scottl |
Scotty |
Scout |
Scouti |
Scoutin |
Scrabble |
Scrappy |
Scream |
Scrooge |
Scrubby |
Scruffy |
Scuba |
Scud |
Scully |
Sea Dog |
Seabreeze |
Seal |
Sean |
Sebah |
Sebaht |
Sebahto |
Sebastian |
Seiko |
Seki |
Semmay |
Sendor |
Senex |
Sento |
Sepan |
Sepp |
Seppel |
Seppl |
Sepply |
Serapis |
Sergeant |
Sergei |
Sergius |
Serpico |
Servit |
Seskin |
Seth |
Seuss |
Seven |
Seymour |
Shabaza |
Shabba |
Shabo |
Shabolo |
Shaby |
Shade |
Shadell |
Shadie |
Shadow |
Shaggy |
Shaker |
Shakespeare |
Shaky |
Shalimar |
Shalo |
Shamrock |
Shamus |
Shandor |
Shandro |
Shane |
Shanty |
Sharik |
Shark |
Sharkey |
Sharko |
Sharky |
Sharo |
Sharp |
Sharpe |
Shaw |
Shawnee |
Sheik |
Shelby |
Sheldon |
Shell |
Shello |
Shellon |
Shep |
Shepman |
Sheriff |
Sherlock |
Sherman |
Sherry |
Sherwood |
Shicco |
Shico |
Shiho Gatame |
Shiloh |
Shim Shim |
Shir-Khan |
Shirocco |
Shivago |
Shivas |
Shivasto |
Shivo |
Shiwo |
Shnowy |
Shogun |
Shogy |
Shoi |
Shoko |
Shonen |
Shooter |
Shortcake |
Shorty |
Shoto |
Shotty |
Shotzie |
Showoff |
Shredder |
Shrimp |
Shylock |
Si-Hawk |
Siciliano |
Sidney |
Siego |
Sigmund |
Silas |
Silvan |
Silver |
Simba |
Simbah |
Simon |
Simple |
Simsen |
Simson |
Sinatra |
Sinok |
Siohban |
Sioux |
Sir Cadogan |
Sir Lancelot |
Sire |
Sirius |
Sirk |
Sirko |
Sirkoro |
Sirky |
Siro |
Siron |
Sisko |
Sixt |
Skank |
Skeeter |
Skinner |
Skipper |
Skippy |
Skizzo |
Sky |
Slater |
Sleepy |
Slith |
Sloppy |
Slug |
Sly |
Smart |
Smartie |
Smarty |
Smasher |
Smeddinck |
Smilie |
Smitty |
Smokey |
Smoky |
Smoocher |
Snickers |
Snoop |
Snoop Dog |
Snooper |
Snoopy |
Snow |
Snowly |
Snubull |
Snuffy |
Snupdogidog |
Snupi |
Soci |
Socke |
Socks |
Socksy |
Socrates |
Soda |
Softie |
Softy |
Sokky |
Sokrates |
Solan |
Solano |
Soldier |
Solero |
Solitär |
Solo |
Solomon |
Solon |
Soltan |
Sonny |
Sony |
Sooner |
Soprano |
Soras |
Soren |
Soreus |
Sorry |
Soto |
Sox |
Spago |
Spalding |
Spam |
Spanky |
Sparki |
Sparkie |
Sparky |
Spati |
Spazz |
Speamer |
Speedy |
Spencer |
Spider |
Spike |
Spirit |
Spooky |
Spucky |
Spud |
Spunc |
Spuncy |
Spunky |
Sputnik |
Squall |
Staffy |
Stain |
Stanley |
Star Done |
Stargazer |
Statler |
Stavros |
Stellar |
Sterling |
Stetson |
Steve |
Stewart |
Sticky |
Stiffler |
Stimpy |
Sting |
Stinker |
Stinky |
Stoffel |
Stolch |
Stone |
Stoney |
Stöpsel |
Storm |
Stormy |
Strolch |
Strolchi |
Stromer |
Struppi |
Struwel |
Stuff |
Sugar |
Sukiyaki |
Suko |
Sulfur |
Sultan |
Sumi |
Summit |
Sumo |
Sundown |
Suni |
Sunie |
Sunny |
Suny |
Supertramp |
Sussudio |
Svenjo |
Swami |
Swampy |
Sweep |
Sweepy |
Switcher |
Saint |
Sage |
Stark |
Sven |
Sid |
Stuart |
Sonic |
Sushi |
Skye |
Sprocket |
Stan |
Sydney |
Sandy |
Skittles |
Stu |
Star |
Sylvester |
Sergio |
Schnitzel |
Saul |
Spyro |
Salvador |
Top 20 Most Popular Female Dog Names That Begin with S
Sadie | SheRa |
Skye | Shelby |
Sally | Shimmer |
Shayna | Sushi |
Star | Salsa |
Silky | Stella |
Skylar | Shadow |
Stellar | Solstice |
Shiann | Sorbet |
Storm | Shambles |
More Female Dog Names That Begin with S
We have even more excellent female dog names that begin with S. Check these ones out!
Sabina |
Sabinchen |
Sabrina |
Sadie |
Sadie Mae |
Saffron |
Sage |
Sahara |
Sahi |
Saijon |
Saja |
Sajin |
Sakura |
Sala |
Salin |
Salina |
Sally |
Salma |
Saloma |
Salomé |
Salsa |
Sam |
Sama |
Samantha |
Samba |
Samedi |
Samila |
Samira |
Sammy |
Sandia |
Sandy |
Sane |
Sanja |
Sanny |
Santa Fee |
Santana |
Santini |
Santy |
Sany |
Sape |
Sapphire |
Sappia |
Sara |
Sarah |
Saralisa |
Sarasota |
Sari |
Saria |
Sarin |
Sarina |
Sascha |
Sash |
Sasha |
Saskia |
Sassa |
Sassie |
Sassy |
Satima |
Satin |
Satiya |
Saucy |
Sausage |
Savage |
Savannah |
Savoy |
Sayena |
Saylor |
Scarlet |
Scarlett |
Schaila |
Schaka |
Schakla |
Schandra |
Schatzi |
Schatzie |
Scheila |
Scheily |
Scheining |
Schikas |
Schila |
Schily |
Schima |
Schirina |
Schiwa |
Schmoo |
Schmooze |
Schmusi |
Schnecke |
Schneeflocke |
Schnell |
Schnook |
Schnucki |
Schnuckieputzie |
Schnuffie |
Schotzie |
Schura |
Scintilla |
Scout |
Scouty |
Scully |
Seasha |
Seda |
Segen |
Selena |
Selin |
Selina |
Selma |
Selya |
Sema |
Sena |
Seneca |
Senja |
Senni |
Senta |
Sentana |
Sera |
Serena |
Serenade |
Serengeti |
Serria |
Sessy |
Seya |
Sezuna |
Shada |
Shadow |
Shaila |
Shailbe |
Shaira |
Shakira |
Shalima |
Shamu |
Shan |
Shana |
Shangria |
Shani |
Shania |
Shanna |
Shannan |
Shannon |
Shantal |
Shanti |
Shanty |
Shara |
Shareena |
Shari |
Sharie |
Sharin |
Sharis |
Sharon |
Sharp |
Sharpie |
Sharrari |
Shasta |
Shawnie |
Shay Marie |
Shayla |
Shayna |
Sheba |
Sheeba |
Sheela |
Sheena |
Sheer |
Sheila |
Shelby |
Shelley |
Shelly |
Shereen |
Sheresade |
Sherie |
Shiann |
Shila |
Shiloh |
Shimmer |
Shira |
Shiraz |
Shiree |
Shirin |
Shirley |
Shirly |
Shiva |
Shiwa |
Shnookie |
Shnookums |
Shoeless |
Shorty |
Shula |
Sibyl |
Sibylle |
Sidney |
Sidonie |
Siena |
Sienna |
Sierra |
Silky |
Sillie |
Silliena |
Sillylady |
Silora |
Silver |
Silverbell |
Sima |
Simani |
Simba |
Sina |
Sinai |
Sindara |
Sindi |
Sinduya |
Sindy |
Sinja |
Sinny |
Sinta |
Sira |
Siska |
Sissi |
Sissy |
Sitara |
Sitka |
Sitta |
Siwah |
Skadi |
Skala |
Skanda |
Skittles |
Sky |
Skylar |
Skystaff |
Slade |
Slippers |
Sluka |
Smilla |
Smokey |
Smoocher |
Smutje |
Snickers |
Snookerdoodle |
Snooks |
Snookums |
Snot |
Snow |
Snowy |
Snuffles |
Snuggles |
Socks |
Sofie |
Sola |
Solari |
Soleil |
Solin |
Soljanka |
Solstice |
Somalia |
Sonata |
Sonja |
Sonka |
Sonne |
Sophia |
Sophie |
Sora |
Sorah |
Soraya |
Sorbet |
Sourdough |
Sourindi |
Sparkles |
Spazi |
Sprite |
Spyder |
Squat |
Squeak |
Stacey |
Stana |
Star |
Steffi |
Steica |
Stella |
Stellar |
Sternchen |
Stimpy |
Storm |
Stormy |
Strolchi |
Stuppsie |
Sugar |
Sugar Plum |
Sugarluff |
Suki |
Sula |
Suleika |
Sulta |
Summer |
Sundance |
Sunkiss |
Sunny |
Sunrise |
Sunshine |
Sunshine Girl |
Surie |
Susan |
Suse |
Sushi |
Susi |
Susie |
Susuki |
Susy |
Suzie |
Svenja |
Sweetheart |
Sweeti |
Sweetie |
Sweety |
Sydney |
Sylke |
Sylvia |
Dog Names from A-Z
Dog names that begin with A
Dog names that begin with B
Dog names that begin with C
Dog names that begin with D
Dog names that begin with E
Dog names that begin with F
Dog names that begin with G
Dog names that begin with H
Dog names that begin with I
Dog names that begin with J
Dog names that begin with K
Dog names that begin with L
Dog names that begin with M
Dog names that begin with N
Dog names that begin with O
Dog names that begin with P
Dog names that begin with Q
Dog names that begin with R
Dog names that begin with S
Dog names that begin with T
Dog names that begin with U
Dog names that begin with V
Dog names that begin with W
Dog names that begin with X
Dog names that begin with Y
Dog names that begin with Z