Wildlife Fun (Hippos and Giraffes)
Giraffe Jokes
When does a giraffe have 8 legs?
When there are 2 of them!
Why was the giraffe not invited to the party?
Because he was a pain in the neck!
What do giraffes have that no other animal has?
Baby giraffes!
Why was the giraffe late?
Because he got caught in a giraffic jam!
Hippo Jokes
What is a hippos favourite dessert?
What did the hippo say to the banana?
Nothing – bananas cannot talk!
How do you get a hippo to do whatever you want?
Try hipponotising him!
What public transport does a hippo use?
A hippopotabus!
What do you give a hippo who feels sick?
Plenty of room!
What did the weight-training hippo achieve?
What do hippos make when they form a band!
What do you call a hippo with chicken pox?
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Hippo who?
Hippo birthday to you, Hippo birthday to you!
Wildlife Cartoons
I think you have a spot on your neck my dear! It’s gonna take a while, but I’ll do it! Mmmmmm! I don’t think I really want to be on here! The ‘hippo hippo shake’!
musi=”sounds/hippo.wav” function mus1() { if (t.options.selectedIndex==0){ mus.innerHTML=”” } if (t.options.selectedIndex==1){ mus.innerHTML=”” } } document.write(“”) ]]>Enable Hippo sound Disable Hippo sound
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