British Snake Quiz for Kids1. What kind of pattern does an Adder snake have on its back? Stripes Zig zags Circular 2. What does the Adder snakes diet consist mainly of? Small reptiles Small fish Small mammals 3. Which is the largest of the British snakes? Grass snake Adder snake Smooth snake 4.How do snakes raise their body temperature? Move around quickly Bask in the sun Burrow into mud 5. What do the Adder and Grass snakes have that the Smooth snakes lack? Forked tongue Venom Nostrils 6. What scientific ‘Order’ do snakes belong to? Testudines Crocodilia Squamata 7. What do all three British snakes do between October and Spring? Breed Hibernate Feed 8. What does ectothermic mean? Warm blooded Cold blooded Blue blooded 9. When is the best time to spot a British snake? Winter Summer Spring 10. Why is this the best time to spot British snakes? They will be hunting for food Males will be looking for mates They will be taking exercise Score = >Correct answers: