We all have our favourite pets that we love and cherish dearly. We want to care for them and keep them as healthy as we can. At Pets at Animal Corner we bring you lots of information and advice about keeping your pets in tip top condition as well as lots of other interesting information you might like to discover about your pets.
Included are some of the most popular pets around including cats, dogs, mice, rabbits, hamsters and Guinea Pigs. To discover many interesting facts about a particular pet, click on a picture below:
Cats are one of the most popular pets even though they are naturally wild animals. Though less domesticated than dogs, they seem to like to reside in our households worldwide.
Dogs have always been referred to as ‘mans best friend’. Loyal and obedient. Dogs are probably the most popular pet throughout the world. With so many breeds, they enjoy work, rest and play with their owners.
Pet Rodents
Guinea Pigs
Who could not want a Guinea Pig for a pet? Lovable and cute, they do not bite and they are so much pleasure to know. Probably the best small pet you could ever have.
Hamsters are nocturnal rodents that make great childrens pets, although you have be prepared for their escape stunts and they can nip if disturbed from their slumber during the day!
Mice are inquisitive by nature. Many hours of interest can be passed watching these small rodents busying about. Adorable as pets, but again, they can be nippy.
Rabbits are long eared Lagomorphs that are larger than most small pets and are happy to live in their hutch outside. Rabbits love carrots to gnaw on, they help to keep their long front teeth from overgrowing. Learn more about different breeds of rabbit.
Chinchillas have a long life span of 10 years. They are very playful animals and because they are nocturnal they have a lot of energy in the evening and at night.
Pet Fish
Many young children may start out keeping a small fresh water fish such as a goldfish, but people choose to keep many different varieties of fish in either an outdoor pond or in tanks in their homes and work places.
More exotic and rarer types of fish will require special equipment to keep the water pH, temperature and salt levels at the optimum level.
Pet Birds
Some people assume that birds can be quite easy to look after as they mainly live in a cage, however some birds are quite noisy, require regular mental stimulation and a lot of cleaning and maintenance.
Some popular pet birds include:
- Macaws
- Finches
- Budgies
- Parakeets
Exotic Pets
Many exotic pets may require additional care and in some parts of the world there may be licensing rules to protect rare and endangered species of animals or to prevent dangerous animals living in highly populated cities.
- Tarantula – various large spiders such as the Tarantula have become popular pets
- Lizard – there are lots of different lizards that make great pets
- Tortoise – these animals were popular in the 20th Century, however as Tortoises can live for 100 years these pets require a lot of dedication
- Snakes – smaller non-venomous snakes can be kept quite easily at home in a tank and require little feeding. Venomous snakes require specialist training and licensing.
Read our guide on Pet naming tips and Inspiration.