We might be getting close to the end of the Alphabet, but that doesn’t mean we are running out of ideas for cat names. Quite the opposite in fact! There are lots of really great cat names that begin with Y, for both male and female cats.
For traditional names, you could choose ‘Yosef’ or ‘Yasmine’, or for something imaginative there are names like ‘Yankee’ or ‘Yosemite’. We have compiled lots of options for you to consider, so let’s get started!
Top 20 Most Popular Male Cat Names That Begin with Y
We really are in rich feeding ground for imaginative and contemporary names when it comes to choosing a cat name that begins with Y. So to start, we have shortlisted 20 of the most popular names. Check these out!
Yogi |
Yankee |
Yum-Yum |
Yogurt |
Yoshi |
Yeti |
Yosef |
Yahoo |
Yolo |
Yosemite |
Yoda |
Yahni |
Yann |
Yeager |
Yugo |
Yeardley |
Yanni |
Yakov |
Y2Kat |
Yogi Bear |
More Male Cat Names That Begin with Y
Do you want more creative or interesting cat names that start with Y? Take a look at this cool collection!
Yamaha |
Yo-Yo |
Yodel |
Yam |
Yoko |
Yadon |
Yadu |
Yafa |
Yafi |
Yagel |
Yagya |
Yaheem |
Yahil |
Yahto |
Yahudah |
Yail |
Yain |
Yaison |
Yaholo |
Yak |
Yamin |
Yao |
Yar |
Yemon |
Yome |
Yorick |
Yosha |
Yellow Stone |
Yorik |
Yorkoo |
Yakshit |
Yawney |
Yippy Ki Yay |
Yamaha |
Yolo |
Yakim |
Yakir |
Yaacoub |
Yacouba |
Yacub |
Yader |
Yadhu |
Yadi |
Yadir |
Yadish |
Yew |
Yewan |
Yang |
Yaris |
Yo Yo |
York |
Yukon |
Yucatan |
YamYam |
Yobbo |
Yai |
Yaidel |
Yaisel |
Yaish |
Yaash |
Yaavin |
Yab |
Yabriel |
Yi |
Yides |
Yevon |
Yaravi |
Yael |
Yakira |
Top 20 Most Popular Female Cat Names That Begin with Y
It’s not just male names that are popular with Y, there are plenty of female cat names that begin with Y too. So here’s a short list of the top 20 to get you started!
Yin |
Yami |
Yasmine |
Yemena |
Ying |
Yolanda |
Yordana |
Yuki |
Yumi |
Yoko Ono |
Yankee |
Yasmina |
Yoga |
Yosie |
Yeti |
Yoppie |
Your Highness |
Yowser |
Yaki |
Yana |
More Female Cat Names That Begin with Y
We have even more awesome, original female cat names that begin with Y. Check out these names!
Yang |
Yani |
Yasha |
Yvette |
Yanisha |
Yedda |
Yemma |
Yen |
Yesinia |
Yesmina |
Yolandi |
Yogita |
Yomaris |
Yrsa |
Ysolde |
Yuka |
Yum Yum |
Ying Yang |
Yahoo |
Yanet |
Yappee |
Yaya |
Yenta |
Yetina |
Yicks |
Yip |
Yamasee |
Yardley |
Yodi |
Yodler |
Yorgy |
Yucca |
Yule |
Yuma |
Yumiee |
Yashi |
Yuli |
Yoofi |
Yasmin |
Yelena |
Yitta |
Yitty |
Yetta |
Yumie |
Yummy |
Yuna |
Yvonne |
Yabsera |
Yianni |
Yidele |
Yiga |
Yien |
Yihang |
Yomi |
Yizzie |
Yuwen |
Yuzuki |
Yuveen |
Yeziel |
Yendi |
Yalla |
Yolo |
Yippee |
Yara |
Yo-Yo |
Yafa |
Yul |
Yuppy |
Yuzzu |
Yzma |
Yakkity Yak |
Yala |
Yama |
Yashie |
Yedi |
Yentl |
Yodelaheehoo |
Yodeller |
Yooper |
Yeva |
Yarmilla |
Yayoi |
Yamilet |
Yamini |
Yasmeen |
Yachne |
Cat Names from A-Z
Cat names that begin with A
Cat names that begin with B
Cat names that begin with C
Cat names that begin with D
Cat names that begin with E
Cat names that begin with F
Cat names that begin with G
Cat names that begin with H
Cat names that begin with I
Cat names that begin with J
Cat names that begin with K
Cat names that begin with L
Cat names that begin with M
Cat names that begin with N
Cat names that begin with O
Cat names that begin with P
Cat names that begin with Q
Cat names that begin with R
Cat names that begin with S
Cat names that begin with T
Cat names that begin with U
Cat names that begin with V
Cat names that begin with W
Cat names that begin with X
Cat names that begin with Y
Cat names that begin with Z