Garter Snakes, are small snakes that make up the genus 'Thamnophis', in the subfamily Natricinae. Within the genus, there are around 37 species and over 50 subspecies. The most numerous is the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) which has 13 subspecies across their … [Read more...]
Iguana – Understanding The Species, Their Features And Habitats
These fascinating reptiles have captured the imagination of generations, with their dragon-like appearance and intriguing behaviours. Scientifically known as Iguana, they belong to the genus 'Iguana' within the larger 'Iguanidae' family. This family is a vast and varied group, … [Read more...]
Mayfly – A Glimpse Into Their Delicate Existence
Mayfly, scientifically known as the order 'Ephemeroptera' are incredible little insects, found in fresh water environments all over the world. These delicate creatures are like nature's fleeting artwork, here today and gone tomorrow. With species found worldwide (except … [Read more...]
Coati – The Lesser-Known Ring-Tailed Wanderers
The Coati, is a fascinating member of the animal kingdom, that often goes unnoticed amidst the vast biodiversity of the Americas. Scientifically classified under the genera Nasua and Nasuella, these animals are not just another raccoon, even though they share a family - … [Read more...]
Tarantula Hawk – Powerful Stingers In The Sky
Tarantula Hawks, are scientifically recognized as members of the genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis, and they are not just any other insect. They are beautiful, formidable and scary in equal measure. There are over 350 species of these little insects across their two genera, which form … [Read more...]
Alligator Gar – A Keystone Species in America’s Freshwaters
The Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) is not just any fish; it's a living testament to the wonders of evolution. This freshwater giant, with its lineage tracing back to the time of the dinosaurs, is a marvel of nature. It is one of three species of Gar in genus Atractosteus, … [Read more...]
Stick Bugs – Nature’s Masters of Disguise
Stick Bugs, also known as Stick insects or walking sticks, are one of the insect worlds masters of disguise. Often referred to as 'nature's camouflage experts,' they are truly a wonder in the insect world.These insects are both numerous and diverse. With approximately 3,000 … [Read more...]
Banana Spiders – An Exploration of The Golden Silk Orb-Weaver
There are a few different arachnids that go by the name 'Banana Spider'. I will mention the other pretenders at the end of this post, but for clarity, this post is about the magnificent Golden Silk Orb-Weavers.The golden silk orb-weavers (scientifically known as the genus … [Read more...]
Mourning Dove
The Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), has been known by many names historically, and is one of the most common and widespread birds in North America. They can be found as far north as Southern Canada, abundantly through The USA, and outside of breeding season they can also be … [Read more...]
Baltimore Oriole
The Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) is one of the most striking birds in North America. These icterid (new world) blackbirds are easily recognizable by their bright orange and black plumage. Orioles are on the medium to small side, averaging roughly six to nine inches in … [Read more...]