Do you know the difference between elk and caribou? If not, you're not alone! A lot of people don't know the difference or are confused about which animal is which. Elk Facts and CharacteristicsThe Elk (Cervus canadensis), is an ungulate mammal which is also known as the … [Read more...]
Examples of Medium Dog Breeds – Medium Dog Breeds That Fit Just Right! 🐶🌟
Do you want a dog that is big enough to be a loyal companion, but not so large that he takes up too much space in your home?These breeds are perfect for people who don't have a lot of space, or for those who just want a smaller dog that is still able to provide plenty of love … [Read more...]
11 Terrier Dog Breeds
Terriers are a specific group and type of dog breed; originally bred to dig and hunt for vermin. Vermin is defined as ‘quadrupeds’ such as badgers, otters, weasels, rats, mice, and birds, like hawks and owls. Popular Terrier Dog Breeds Airedale TerrierThe Airedale Terrier … [Read more...]
6 Incredible Animals with Tusks
What is a Tusk? A tusk is a long, curved tooth that protrudes from the mouth of some animals, such as elephants, walruses, and wild boars. Tusks are used for digging, foraging, and defense. Elephants use their tusks to dig for food and water, and to uproot trees. Walruses use … [Read more...]
Seal vs Sea Lion – What’s the Difference?
Do you know the difference between a seal and a sea lion? Many people don't realize that there is a distinction between these two marine mammals. Seals are smaller than sea lions, and they have shorter fur coats. Sea lions more muscular than seals. What is a Seal?A … [Read more...]
Animals with Exoskeletons
Many animals have exoskeletons, which is a hard outer shell that helps protect the animal. The exoskeleton can also be used for protection against predators or to help the animal catch its prey. Some of the animals with exoskeletons include crabs, lobsters, spiders, and … [Read more...]
Animals that Hibernate
In the colder months, many animals hibernate to escape the harsh weather conditions. While hibernation is an effective way to conserve energy, it can also be dangerous. What is Hibernation? Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression typical of mammals and … [Read more...]
African vs Asian Elephant
Unless you know what you are looking for, you may not be able to spot the difference between an Asian Elephant vs African elephant.These two elephant species belong to different genuses and have many distinguishing features between them. The word Elephant in … [Read more...]
An omnivore is an animal that has evolved to eat both plant material and animal flesh.This adaptation means that these animals can extract energy from a lot of different food sources.Examples of omnivores include Bears, badgers, birds, hedgehogs, civets and of course … [Read more...]
Herbivores are animals that eat plant material for energy.Some herbivores such as ruminants have evolved to have special four chambered stomachs which allow them to eat grass and breakdown cellulose.Herbivores are primary consumers, meaning they eat producers, such as … [Read more...]