The Galápagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is a species of mammal in the Otariidae family. It is endemic to Galapagos. Colonies of the Galapagos sea lions are found on most gently-sloping rocky shores and beaches on the islands. There are about 50,000 sea lions in the … [Read more...]
Endangered Species
Many animals in the world are in danger of becoming extinct.
This is a problem because it means that future generations may never get to see these animals in the wild. Some people may think that this doesn't matter, but it does. These animals play an important role in their ecosystems, and they are also fascinating creatures that deserve to be saved.
What is the IUCN Red List?
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is a list of species that have been categorized as threatened or endangered.
A species will be classified as "Endangered" if it meets the following criteria:
Galapagos Whale Shark
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus), is a slow filter feeding (animals that feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water) shark that is the largest living fish species, reaching up to 18 metres in length. Whale sharks are rare throughout Galapagos and mainly … [Read more...]
Blue Whale
The Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) grows up to 33 metres (110 feet) in length and weighs 200 tons or more in weight. The Blue Whale is believed to be the largest animal to have ever lived. The last sighting of Blue whales was in the San Salvador channel, off Puerto Egas, … [Read more...]
Galapagos Fin Whales
Fin Whales Galapagos IslandThe fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is a cetacean belonging to the parvorder of baleen whales. It is also known as the finback whale or common rorqual and formerly the razorback whale. The fin whale is the second largest whale and the second … [Read more...]
Galapagos Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtles are one of the most widespread species of marine turtle, found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the globe. However, the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) is the only species of turtle that nests in the Galapagos Islands.Research has revealed … [Read more...]
The Osprey bird (Pandion haliaetus) is a medium-large raptor which is a specialist fish-eater with a worldwide distribution. It occurs in all continents around the world except for Antarctica, but in South America only as a non-breeding migrant. The Osprey bird is often known by … [Read more...]
European Otter
Endangered British Mammals - European OtterThe European Otter (Lutra lutra) is also known as the Eurasian River Otter, Common Otter and Old World Otter. It is a European member of the Mustelidae or weasel family and is typical of freshwater otters. The European otter is the … [Read more...]