There are four species of Mockingbird on the Galapagos Islands (and soon there will probably be five when the one from Tower island is declared to be a new species) Galapagos Mockingbirds mimick songs and phrases all day long. Galapagos Mockingbirds are often referred to as pests. They are more inquisitive than frightened and will approach you curiously.
The Mockingbird population of the Charles Mockingbirds on the isles of Champion and Gardner-near Floreana, are survivors of a main population on Floreana. Floreana was the first island to develop a human population and the Mockingbirds eventually became extinct as a result.
Of the four species of Mockingbird, the Galapagos Mockingbird and Hood Mockingbird are most frequently encountered and most easily distinguished from one another. There are differences in plumage, but the most obvious physical difference between the two is their beak. The Hood Mockingbird has a much longer, more curved beak than the Galapagos Mockingbirds.
Here are the names of the four species and where they are distributed within the islands the four species are:
Mockingbird Species Distributed
Galapagos Mockingbird
Hood Mockingbird
Charles Mockingbird
Chatham Mockingbird
Champion & Gardner-near Floreana
San Cristobal
all other islands except Pinzon
There is also a behaviour difference between these two Mockingbirds. The Mockingbirds, like most Galapagos species, are quite unafraid of people and very curious, but the Hood Mockingbird can be extremely aggressive. It is not uncommon for them to land on a human head and they will explore any unknown object and place, always looking for food or drink. To tourists they are amusing, however, to scientists who work in the Galapagos, they can be a major nuisance.
Because tourists do not visit the Isle of San Cristobal, the Chatham Mockingbird is the least seen of the species.
The Charles Mockingbird is a resident on the isle of Champion which does not allow visitors and can only be seen with careful planning. However, it is possible to occasionally see them from a distance if you navigate around the isle in a small boat.