African Lion CharacteristicsThe African Lion has a light tawny coat with white on the abdomen and inside of their legs. The backs of an African lions ears are black in color. The male lions mane ranges in color from tawny to reddish brown to black. The mane gets darker as the … [Read more...]
Vulnerable Animals
A vulnerable species is a species of animal which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature that is threatened with extinction unless the circumstances that are threatening its survival improve.
Vulnerability is mainly caused by habitat loss or destruction of the species' home.
Vulnerable habitat or species are monitored and can become increasingly threatened.
Some species listed as "vulnerable" may be common in captivity, an example being the Siamese Fighting Fish.
There are currently 5000+ animals classified as vulnerable, compared with 1998 levels of 2815.
The Tapir is a large pig-like, browsing mammal that belongs to the family: Tairidae. Tapirs are odd-toes ungulate animals that can be found in the rainforests of South and Central America and Southeast Asia. There are 4 living species of Tapir of which three are native to the … [Read more...]
African Spurred Tortoise
The African Spurred Tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) is also known as the Sulcata Tortoise, 'Grooved Tortoise', the 'Spur Tortoise' and the 'African Spur Thigh Tortoise'. It is a desert-dwelling tortoise whose range extends along the southern edge of the Sahara Desert from Senegal … [Read more...]
Giant Anteater
Anteaters belong to the order 'Pilosa' which also includes Sloths. The Giant Anteater is the largest of the Anteater species, hence its name. Other Anteater species include the Silky Anteater (Cyclopes didactylus) and the Collared Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla). Giant Anteaters … [Read more...]
The Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the fastest terrestrial animal in the world and is a unique member of the cat family 'felidae'.The scientific name for a Cheetah is Acinonyx jubatus.The Cheetah appeared on Earth around 4 million years ago, well before the other big cats. … [Read more...]
Galapagos Land Iguana
The Galapagos Land Iguana resembles the mythical creatures of the past-dragons with long tails, clawed feet and spiny crests. Land Iguanas have a spiky dorsal crest which runs along the neck and back. They are heavily bodied with thick back legs and smaller front legs.This is … [Read more...]
Galapagos Hammerhead Shark
Hammerhead sharks are most common near Wolf Island and Darwin Islands in the north of the archipelago. Galapagos is one of the last remaining places where large schools of scalloped hammerhead sharks can be observed. They can be observed cruising over reefs and boulder-strewn … [Read more...]
Galapagos Hawk
The Galapagos Hawk is a large, dark colored bird with broad wings and a broad tail. It is an active predator which feeds on small invertebrates such as small lizards, snakes and rodents. This hawk is known for its fearlessness and is a symbol of power in its habitat.The … [Read more...]
Aquatic Warbler
The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is an Old World warbler who breeds in temperate eastern Europe and western Asia. It has an estimated population of 15,000 pairs.The Aquatic Warbler is a medium-sized warbler and is a slim bird with sandy colored plumage with … [Read more...]