Physical Description
The Ankylosaurus, was a very large dinosaur, potentially measuring up to 30 feet long, 6 feet wide, and about 4 feet high. The defining feature of an ankylosaurus however, is its armor. This hardened exterior consisted of very tough bones and scales embedded in its skin. Most animals today are not wider than they are tall, so one can understand how awkward this animal looked (think of a stingray mixed with a rhino… on land).
The ankylosaurus had 4 feet and its rear legs were taller than its front legs. It also had a very large bony tail “club”. Along the side of its body, it had 2 long rows of spikes. Horns protruded backwards from the back of its head.
The ankylosaurus was a massive herbivore (only ate plants). Because of this the dinosaur must have had a very large stomach. This could have contributed to the awkward size of the ankylosaurus. They probably defended themselves against predators with their big bone club tail. It would naturally be difficult for carnivorous predators to prey on the ankylosaurus because of all the spikes, armor and large club tail. This dinosaur would have to eat low lying plant materials because of how short it was.
Ankylosaurus History
The ankylosaurus lived in the cretaceous period until the extinction of all dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Fossils have been found in Montana, United States of America and Alberta, Canada. As yet, no complete skeletons of ankylosauruses have been found.
Did You Know?
Ankylosaurus’s armor is actually fused with its skin.
Despite its awkward shape the ankylosaurus could in fact jog.
Ankylosis refers to the stiffness produced by the fusion of many bones in the skull and body.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Sauropsida
- Order: Ornithischia
- Family: Ankylosauridae
- Genus: Ankylosaurus
- Species: A. Magniventris